Saturday, August 8, 2015

Baie Finn (1)

Just before entering the North Channel and Little Current there is a famous anchorage called Baie Finn.  This area, I have always wanted to visit on our trips to the North Channel, but did not, as we thought it could not get much better Well, Baie Finn is now equal to ANY anchorage for protection, calm, beauty, hiking etc.  The entrance to the anchorage is basically a fiord (it reminded me of those in Norway).  The shear cliffs dotted with trees and grasses were beautiful.

This is the Johnson (outboard engines) cabin.
Our anchorage:

This is how we anchor and with a line attached to shore (you can see it in the pic).  After Patroit set an anchor I went to shore with the dingy, and secured a 150' line to a tree or rock.  I then gave the other end of the line to Patroit.  we would then tighten up the line to secure us in place. We (Blue Willow) would then come to Patroit and raft off them.  The reason this method is preferred is that the anchorage is a bit tight, and there is not enough swing room should there be a lot of boats and all boats anchor.

If you can get a view like this.... Take It!

After setting the anchor it was Daisy Time, and do some exploring.

Time for a rest

Nice Cool Patch of Moss for a tired girl.

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