Sunday, August 24, 2014

Day Two - Mackinaw to Charlevoix

One of many nice homes on Round Lake (Charlevoix)

We started out after a four hour fog-in.  We had contact with others that went out into the soupy weather.  Visibility was about .25 miles early, we departed in about .5 mile visibility.  The ferry traffic   (as always) was a pain in the butt, constant traffic and ensuing wake.  Radar on, going slow, and staying out of the freighter lanes, and not too close to shore.  Radar performed awesome, nice overlay over the electronic navigation charts.

Grays Reef Passage was nice, no freighter traffic.  When we made the turn south, the three foot seas were on the beam, thus rolling.  I then tacked a bit to reduce the amount of items to hit the floor.

Passing Cecil, and Sturgeon Bays via boat was awesome.  These are two of our favorite areas to take Daisy.  I really, really, wanted so to turn in to Sturgeon Bay, anchor, and swim. Alas, we needed to make progress.

Passing Little Traverse Bay was very nostalgic.  This is the area that we both grew up in, graduated from Petoskey High School, and started our family here.  The view looking in is as good as looking out.

Our anchorage was Round Lake (Charlevoix).  Nice and peaceful.  Of note, Daisy fell into the water at the shoppers dock when trying to exit the dingy.  I needed help to retrieve her.  She had her life jacket on, it has a handle, good thing.  As nice as could be, after Daisy exiting the water, a 4 year old girl offered the bottom of her ice cream cone to Daisy to eat. All was good after the cone.

The architecture in Charlevoix is pretty awesome around the waters edge.

1 comment:

  1. Awww poor Daisy. So glad a nice young lady stepped up and gave her a prize of ice cream. :)
