Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Charlevoix to Northport to Leland

We departed Charlevoix, and made the trip to Northport,  calm waters, light winds and arrived early.  It was a great afternoon with the Grand Kids (read their blog entry).  We departed from Northport for Leland after a significant rain lighting, and thunder storm, (reminds me of a looper in a sailboat in Mackinaw a few years back).

Leland is truly a nice laid back tourist town.  Hikers going to the Manitoulin  Islands National Park, the Historical Fish Town area, and of course the marina.  Truly a classy village.  We have been here several times via trailer boating (one time with Beth and George but we did not launch due to 6-7 foot seas).  We have scubaed  the islands, there were some remnants of past schooners.  We have also made the trip down here from Harbor Springs in our Pleasure Craft, it was 100% glass water for 2.5 days, a great memory.

1 comment:

  1. HA !! I guess that would be ME :) Like I told chris while I was blogging, no sense sugarcoating anything, the readers want the real thing :)
