Thursday, June 11, 2015

Heading up the Hudson

As we departed New York City and surrounds, the trip up the Hudson near NYC was fun, but the ferry wakes were many, often, and not much fun.  For the next several miles there were as many as seven ferries around us, some going with us, some AT us, and many crisscrossing the hudson.
Mowing Weeds (really)

What shall I have for dinner?

Sunset at:
Half Moon Bay

Saying Good Bye to
Martha and George 

Our first stop was at Half Moon Bay located at Croton on the Hudson.  Nice marina, but a bit weird in its configuration.   We were there with JustUs and Aunt Aggie.

The following pictures are from the West Point area.  The pictures do not show the rich colors and vividness that is really present.

West Point

Roof Top text for Air Force
(Beat Air Force)

Along our next portion of the trip, we passes West Point.  Simply stated, this is the most beautiful area that we have transited along this trip.
Vicki ready for Blue Cheese Scallops

Where is my beer?

Vicki and her Sangria

Blue Willow  Fireworks Welcome?

Blue Willow in the Hudson
Too rough to get her into a slip

Our next stop was at Mariner on the Hudson.  When we arrived, we saw a barge loading fireworks,  Sure enough, the local High School prom hired them for the show.  For dinner that evening we had Blue Cheese Scallops.....  Awesome beyond imagination.

Hallway at the beautiful CIA

That is Pea Soup at the CIA

Desert? or Soup?
(answer at very bottom)

Fun to see the action of the kitchen.
The students were awesome
and Professional.

Top, Vicki Soft shell Crab
Bottom, me, Lion of Lamb

No desert, but these were awesome.

Had a great chat with the senior manager.

Next we went a short distance to XXXXXX marina which was our access to going to the Culunary Institute of America.  Very cool place.  Felt like we were on a cruise ship for dinner.
Whooo Hoooo

Main Seating room

Fireplace One in the room
Fireplace two in the same room

Library Ceiling Carvings

Mens room

Vicki always wanted a
 fence around our bed too

Looking down the stairs.
There was an elevator too 
The Mansion

Facing the Hudson

One View of the Hudson from Mansion

We elected to go to the Vanderbilt Museum a short distance away.  Needless to say it was impressive.  This is one of the few remaining guilded mansions available for touring.  While I'm a bit tired of touring these type of buildings, this one was fun and had many features that I liked.

All aboard!

Trolly from Belgium

Vicki sitting prim and proper

German conductor area.

Our trolly that we rode on

An Ad from the interior of the Trolly

Savannah's  I had smoked Ribs

Daisy sitting pretty at the restaurant 

Nice old architecture. 

Next was Kingston and we had a free dock with dinner at Old Savannah restaurant.  Very nice place.  We elected to go to the Trolly Museum and saw many old trollies from throughout the world.  We took a trolly ride out to a local park, walked the grounds and returned back to town.  I then went to the Hudson Maritime Museum.  I ended up talking museum business (I am affiliated with a museum in Northern Michigan).  but it was a nice afternoon.
10x10 Office

Next was Catskill Marina, a simple restful stop, with great folks there, and the visitors too.
Wind Turbine blades
We saw many on barges

Building in Albany

We are turning right!!!!

View of Blue Willow from a bridge.

Same bridge.

From a part across the river

Vicki and Daisy in the park.
Daisy went swimming
with four instant friends

Waterford Free Docks

We did not use this lock.
But it is Lock E2 on the Erie Canal.

Next we made our way to Waterford NY and its Visitors Center.  This city rolls out the carpet for the transiting boaters heading to the Erie Canal system, or the Champlain Canal system.  They have free, showers,  docks, with water, and $10 for electricity.  The  place is really nice, and there are many restaurants, bike paths, and parks nearby.

Thanks for peeking in on our blog
Soup, it was Beef Truffle

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