Sunday, October 12, 2014

Grand Harbor - Shiloh TN to Joe Wheeler State Park AL

Blue Willow at 'Rock Pile" Anchorage
Perfect night, Skinny Dipping, Dinner, Stars, and a full moon (in the picture not mine)

We made it to Grand Harbor Marina (3 days), very nice place.  We were placed near a paddle boat, and near several live-a-board boats exceeding 65 ft.  This location is near the intersection of Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.  We did not know what town was in what state.  We went to Savanna ?,  and Corinth looking for medications (Walgreens is not the preferred Pharmacy for us, they have been a PIA - Pain In the Ass for every transaction for us).

We ate at Freddy T's.  A super cool place with Antique water skis (100's of them), engines, decoys, and all things boating hanging on the walls.  I had fish tacos, they were awesome.  Vicki had: Corn Bread (what else) stuffed Blackened Catfish.  We were with Infinite Seas, Freedom, Jet Stream.

Shiloh Monument to the Michigan soldiers
Vicki and I went to  Shiloh National Park.  Great educational experience.  My major reaction was the immensity  of the park and the documented sites and monuments.  After a video, we toured a portion of the battlefields, wish we had a full day or two to take in all it had to offer.

After Grand Harbor, we anchored out for the night at "Rock Pile'.  It was a perfect night, light winds, stars, and a full moon. (Picture at the top)

In the morning, we departed early as we anticipated a long day. As it turned out it was longer that we wanted.  At the Wilson Lock we waited over 2 hours, and then  over three hours at the Wheeler Lock.

We swan, and then boarded Infinite Seas for a beer and talk, no problem.

The Tennessee River continues to impress us, the river bank theater is most enjoyable.

Vessel De De in the Wilson Lock

The Lock doors are huge.  This pic does not depict the size very well.

Over 100 feet up, a bollard channel in the Wilson Lock

CLICK:  Short Video of Bollard Speed while lifting

Turbulence inside the lock.  Pleasure craft tie to front and rear bollards due to this turbulance.

This caulderon is where the water from the lock goes.
This lasted for 13.5 minutes 

CLICK Short video of water from lock going into this caldron

I enjoyed the views so much that I missed a turn to the Wheeler Lock channel, and ended up in a pool of water with nothing to do but to back track to the sail line.  The Wilson Lock is 137 feet tall,  we made a 95 ft  lift.

TVA Generation plant
The industrial presence seems minimal compared to the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers.

We made it to Joe Wheeler at early evening, and it was a bit difficult to navigate the markers and find our slip.  Joe Wheeler is an awesome state park, large lodge, cabins, beach, dining, trails, bike paths etc.
Daisy Inspecting the route ahead.

We will be at the AGLCA (Americas Great Loop Cruisers  Association) rendezvous, at Joe Wheeler St Park,  this entire week.


  1. Wow those locks are soooo deep it's crazy. At the AGLCA meets you might bump into Jim and Lisa Favors, I have been following them for5 years or so on their blog. They have a Red Ranger Tug named Kismet. If you meet them say hi for me. I have tried to meet them in Charlevoix the last 2 summers but never happened.
    Keepem commin, thanks Capt. Dean

    1. Okay.... I have seen their boat and seen them (even tonight). I will relay your comment. They are Gold Loopers. Their Ranger is a nice trawler.

  2. I can't even begin to imagine the magnitude of those locks and the water. I bet today @ the IH wasn't as bad as your whole trip so far. :) Continued safe travels.

  3. Those locks are pretty impressive. The cauldron really says it all.

  4. Looks like a beautiful area. Wish I was there.
