Monday, October 20, 2014

AGLCA Rendezvous and back through the Wilson Lock.... Oh Oh.

Good People:
Passerby boat, hailed us while they passed by,
asked for our email, then sent this.
Good People of the world.

Sunset on the TennTom at Five Fingers
The rendezvous was very good, we had a great time meeting new loopers and reacquainting with others.  It was especially nice to see Eddy and Linda Johansen from Florida again.  We met Eddy, last year when he slipped at Petoskey.  He  provided so much information then and spoon fed us this week, with much more information.  His presentation was the panhandle to the Keys and he knows his stuff.  Eddy will replace Tom Conrad with the weather reports for the "crossing" of the "bend" (Florida, panhandle where loopers typically do not follow the shore).

Vicki fell into a cotton patch,
and came back with this on.
That is real raw cotton.

Dave and Michele Sylver (Just Us)

Connie and Jim Gillett (Patriot)

Yes, a sink with a faucet
(remember, Alabama)

Inside the Cotton Gin
An event at the rendezvous was to go to a rebuilt Cotten Gin, and have a southern dinner and attend a concert.  It was a total blast.  The band was a total party band, and knew how to make the evening a great time.  Another performer was a lady who sang (mostly) the old school country western type songs, I do not care for this type of music, but she was very good and I enjoyed her as well. The food was awesome, even had 'smores' at various fire pits.

The rendezvous was located at Joe Wheeler Park in AL.  We had to travel 60 miles past the TennTom entrance, therefore we had to travel back through the Wilson Lock again.
First, there were 20 boats that were in a flotilla to make the trip easier for the lock master.  Second, the winds were up 20 MPH steady and some gusts.  I was the eighth boat to enter the lock, when entering I noticed a boat out of control, and I thought 'dumb ass, get your boat under control'!  Bad thought!  As I entered the lock at the mid point, and crabbing starboard, to get my position, the wind let up took my nose to port, I corrected, but the wind then took my nose hard to starboard.  now, I have no thrusters, and I am a single screw.  So, the wind pushed me perpendicular to where I should be in the lock. Yup, so I thought.... 'dumb ass get YOUR boat under control.  I could not do it, even with the 'Goose' method to get the nose in the correct direction.  Alas, I had to turn and exit the way I entered, and then try again.  I did that and I was secured in the lock.. Others (three) had a difficult time like I did, including the sound of fiberglass cracking while hitting the lock wall.  One vessel took three attempts to enter the lock.
My motto while locking: "Locking, No Wind, No Current, No Problem".

Daisy with a rock in her mouth
(sticks were scarce)
Daisy going for a Dingy ride near the falls

Inside the main state room, looking out.
Not a bad view to wake up to.

We dropped the hook just east of Grand Harbor Marina.  The anchorage was the water falls location.  It was a special location, and Patriot and Blue Willow had a great night (even with a slight swing around the anchor).

Further down on  the TennTom we had another fantastic anchorage.  Sunset, Millions of Stars, the milky way, cool night great sleeping (picture at top)

At Joe Wheeler St Pk.
 L-R.  Last Mango, Vicki, Patroit, De De
No, Daisy is not dead.  But this is her routine, walk, bike, run, swim etc hell YES,
if you guys do nothing.... I'll just lay in the middle, sleep and wait while all of you talk.

Sorry for not blogging, but we had very little internet and phone coverage.

Thanks for taking your time to read this, If you are at work, get back to work.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Grand Harbor - Shiloh TN to Joe Wheeler State Park AL

Blue Willow at 'Rock Pile" Anchorage
Perfect night, Skinny Dipping, Dinner, Stars, and a full moon (in the picture not mine)

We made it to Grand Harbor Marina (3 days), very nice place.  We were placed near a paddle boat, and near several live-a-board boats exceeding 65 ft.  This location is near the intersection of Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.  We did not know what town was in what state.  We went to Savanna ?,  and Corinth looking for medications (Walgreens is not the preferred Pharmacy for us, they have been a PIA - Pain In the Ass for every transaction for us).

We ate at Freddy T's.  A super cool place with Antique water skis (100's of them), engines, decoys, and all things boating hanging on the walls.  I had fish tacos, they were awesome.  Vicki had: Corn Bread (what else) stuffed Blackened Catfish.  We were with Infinite Seas, Freedom, Jet Stream.

Shiloh Monument to the Michigan soldiers
Vicki and I went to  Shiloh National Park.  Great educational experience.  My major reaction was the immensity  of the park and the documented sites and monuments.  After a video, we toured a portion of the battlefields, wish we had a full day or two to take in all it had to offer.

After Grand Harbor, we anchored out for the night at "Rock Pile'.  It was a perfect night, light winds, stars, and a full moon. (Picture at the top)

In the morning, we departed early as we anticipated a long day. As it turned out it was longer that we wanted.  At the Wilson Lock we waited over 2 hours, and then  over three hours at the Wheeler Lock.

We swan, and then boarded Infinite Seas for a beer and talk, no problem.

The Tennessee River continues to impress us, the river bank theater is most enjoyable.

Vessel De De in the Wilson Lock

The Lock doors are huge.  This pic does not depict the size very well.

Over 100 feet up, a bollard channel in the Wilson Lock

CLICK:  Short Video of Bollard Speed while lifting

Turbulence inside the lock.  Pleasure craft tie to front and rear bollards due to this turbulance.

This caulderon is where the water from the lock goes.
This lasted for 13.5 minutes 

CLICK Short video of water from lock going into this caldron

I enjoyed the views so much that I missed a turn to the Wheeler Lock channel, and ended up in a pool of water with nothing to do but to back track to the sail line.  The Wilson Lock is 137 feet tall,  we made a 95 ft  lift.

TVA Generation plant
The industrial presence seems minimal compared to the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers.

We made it to Joe Wheeler at early evening, and it was a bit difficult to navigate the markers and find our slip.  Joe Wheeler is an awesome state park, large lodge, cabins, beach, dining, trails, bike paths etc.
Daisy Inspecting the route ahead.

We will be at the AGLCA (Americas Great Loop Cruisers  Association) rendezvous, at Joe Wheeler St Park,  this entire week.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Green Turtle (KY) to Pebble Isle (TN) to Clifton (TN)

Comment: I have been without any service for 5+ days.  The internet that I do get is very slow.

I will add more pics later
Daisy Going up the ramp at  Pebble Isle


The trip was pretty smooth.  We had a stiff 15-25 MPH wind right on the nose and even had 1.5-2 Ft waves.

The scenery is very nice with several different rock formations, mostly stratified layered at varying levels, and many elevated formations and some that have dropped to the water level.  The trees are just beginning to turn some colors (5% at best).  Many houses on the perches was very nice to travel by.  Many fishermen also, in their bass boats.

The channel to Pebble Isle Marina it was a long well marked meandering inlet.  We were docked next to 'Patriot'  Jim and Connie Gillette from Ludington.  After a quick tie-up, we were invited to a southern welcome dock tail party.  The Grill at Pebble Isle prepared some food for all the boaters.  The wonderful display of fresh vegetables, Cookies, and  deep fried food that was unique to us.  The deep fried food  consisted of Catfish, Mushrooms, Dill Pickles, Hush Puppies (all battered).  Vicki and I do not eat much of this type of food, as it makes us feel rough.  This food did not have that effect on us.  In fact we both enjoyed the different foods (YUM).

In the morning the same grill prepares free coffee and warm cinnamon rolls for the looper crowd.

Dinner at Pebble Isle.  L to R  Jet Stream, Infinite Seas, Blue Willow, and Patroit
That evening we had a dinner with several other loopers.  Vicki and I both had catfish, and it was very good, the beans and coleslaw slaw were inferior, but the sweet potato fries with CINNAMON BUTTER, was out of this world good, I also had an order those great Hush Puppies.

At Pebble Isle we were greeted by 'Billie'.  He is the main man at Pebble Isle, especially in the mornings.
As we prepared to depart we needed to top off our fuel and get a pump out.  The timing was great as Billie had to get the Cinnamon Rolls in the oven too.  Now, lets get this straight. We needed a pump out, Fuel, and might as well grab a warm sweet roll. Again, Billie does it all.  I was apprehensive about the sweet roll until Vicki confirmed that Billie did indeed wash his hands after the pump out and before serving the sweet rolls.  PPhhheeewwww.

We entered the Pickwick Lock after a brief delay.  This was a 55 ft raise to Pickwick Lake (still on the Tenessee River).

View UP the Bollard Channel.  Below the Bollard with tool Bucket
As we were in the lock, the wind was swirling around making it difficult to keep the boat steady on the floating bollards.  Also, while in the lock we had radio communication with a tow operator who was down bound, just above the lock.  The operates asked about the wind socks mounted on the lock.  He was told that the winds were steady 25 MPH and gusts to 35. The toe operates was getting weird readings and actually missed the positioning of his barges, as the wind took him out of the navigational sail line, and had to regroup his position before entering the lock.... weird sight). We proceeded to a planned anchorage, but alas, we did not stay.  The winds were 20-25 MPH and the anchorage appeared to be a gravel base thus we moved on to the marina.  

Dinner at Patti's 1880 restaurant  L-R Blue Willow, Sweet Water, De De, and Ocean Breeze
I am holding up a 'Flower Pot of Fresh Bread, still warm. YUM.

Daisy waiting to go for a W (Dog talk for walk)

All is Good