Friday, May 23, 2014

Daisy Takes Step One for Great Loop Training

Well, Daisy achieved a great step today, in her process to becoming a Great Loop Dog.  She has taken many rides on the Blue Willow. But, all have been day trips, always back on the dock at the marina in time to do Number one and Number two (usually very quickly after we pull into the slip.  Well, I brought the dingy to our lake rental house that we are staying at.  This proved to be a perfect place to get her on the dingy for the first time.  When I launched the dingy and took it out 100 feet or so, she actually jumped in the lake and started to swim towards me, yikes.....  I then went to shore to do the "training'.
     Well, it was not too difficult, as,  after placing a carpet on the floor of the dingy, she jumped right in (the smell of treats might have had something to do with it). I started the engine, and motored slowly around School Section Lake.

Whoo Hoo, we are happy, and now step two get her from the Willow, to the dingy. Stay tuned.

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