Monday, February 2, 2015

Key West - Fun - Food- Spoke Fixed

Vicki posing at Smathers Beach KW.
Manatee lurking around the marina
Our Sunset view

Blue Willow at her slip in KW

Scallops  YUM!!

Happy girl.

Daisy at Shrimp Road Grill
Waiting for a drop.
Shrimp n Scallops at Sunset
on the back of the boat.

Vicki got a new fun shirt.
Our visit to Key West (KW) was awesome. We were slipped at Stock Island Marina (SIM) on Stock Island for the entire month of January. This was our second (of three) planned extended stays at one location.  SIM is a newly rebuilt marina and they have done many things very well.  First, the staff is the best we have experienced.  EVERY staff member will greet you with a smile and always ensure things are going good you.  The facilities being new are awesome, clean etc etc.  SIM has a shuttle to take customers to reprovision (one hour trip to Publix), or take take them downtown KW. We took full advantage as we had no car.  The service is like having a personal chauffeur.

Video SIM

SIM draws in many great boats, Of note is the Azteca, and Sea Diamond

Video Azteca

Ice Cold Beer
Downtown near marinas
Something cool about this junk!!
Tarpon swimming around the boats.
This guy is about 5-6 feet long.
We went downtown several times, by ourselves and with friends.  One time Vicki and I were in a restaurant bar and someone hollered 'Hey Blue Willow'.  We were surprised that anyone knew us there, but it turned our to be our friends from Average Looper, and Navigator (weird).  With friends we toured several places, had drinks and lunch at Sloppy Joes etc.  We saw Tarpon near the marinas, they are kinds domesticated as they are fed from nearby fishing boats.  I had a Tarpon staying under our boat for a few day too.  We toured the Marine Museum, it was a great day winding down at Mallory Square.

Study this one.
Good stuff
This guys was kinda funny too.

Mallory Square is not today what is has been in the past (at least what we have seen).  There are only 4-6 performers now.  We remember 8-12 in the past.  Now the 'stage' is huge, in the past we witnessed smaller groupings.  We liked the old more intimate past Mallory Square.

Smathers Beach was great, I wished we had spent more time there.

We went to Seafood Festival (Art Fair!) With Mark and Kate from MarKate.  It was a great tie with mugs of beer and sampling the food.

There was a King Mackerel Tournament held at SIM.  Wow. What a setup on these boats.  They travel near Cuba to get their catch.  The top mackerel weighted 78 lbs.

See the cinnamon rolls to the left....
We had one BEFORE Pizza
We went to a great Pizza place with MarKate  what a treat, as we started our with some cinnamon buns the chef was trying out for an upcoming event.

Daisy in the middle Grooving
Daisy likes her music
Music on 'C' Dock.  We were slipped next to some amateur musicians who played guitar, and an electronic accordion.  It was fun to hear them play.  One time while passing by, they asked if i played, I said I could add percussion, and I was tossed two tambourine/ bongos, kinds instruments.  I played well, until they jokingly went into  'Wipeout'...okay I'm up for this challenge.  Had a great time.  Other boaters came over to play, including a banjo player, and several younger musicians.  What a free spirited event on the docks.  As always.... Daisy was in the middle of each event, and everyone loved her there.
Daisy messing with the
Shrimp Road Grill Hens

Shrimp Road Grill Music etc
We ate at the Rusty Anchor, and the Shrimp Road Grill a couple of times each, and the HogFish place too.  We purchased Yellow Tail Snapper, Scallops, Red Snapper, and Shrimp from the backdoor of the Rusty Anchor seafood operation.  I Love Yellow Tail Snapper (Fillet Mignon of seafood).

Here is the problem...
Crab Pot Markers!!!!!
Beautifully maintaained
Shrimp boats.
They get Florida Pink Shrimp

Several days the winds were high and the weather not so good, thus the shrimp boats were moored in.  These boats are great looking.  The crew is out working 25 day shifts (or more).

We did many bike rides all over KW.  On one such trip, we crossed the crosswalk riding our bikes.  Vicki decided to ride UP a traffic pole.  She made it up perhaps an inch or two, but CRASHED. Down like a bag of rocks, still in riding position...but horizontal!...bleeding at the ankle, laughing, but still 'sitting' on the seat and holding onto the handle bars as if riding, traffic all around, people pointing at her as they went by.  She broke a spoke on the front wheel, but alas, all was a-Okay after $40 new rim.
Daisy peeking at my
Italian Sausage and GritsSeveral days the winds were high and the weather not so good, thus the shrimp boats were moored in.  These boats are great looking.  The crew is out working 25 day shifts (or more).

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