Sunday, November 9, 2014

Alligators, Alabama River Cut Off, Mobile Bay (north end) to Dog River (Mobile Bay)

As we continued further down the TomBigee and the Blackwarrior  rivers to Mobile Bay, we saw alligators in the river, and climbing up the river banks.   I am from Northern Michigan, where we have Black Bears, Elk etc. When taking Daisy to do her business I had to pay special attention to  the possible presence of the alligators.   I knew they enjoy laying in the sun, and they also  lay partially submerged in the water, and at night the eyes reflect back the color red if using artificial light.  Here was my technique to get Daisy (and me) safely to shore and back.  I would buzz the shore with the dingy three times, I then landed the dingy quickly, and while shouting orders to Daisy to do her business, I made all kinds of noise with sticks, and generally hollering, and shuffling my feet on the ground.  Seemed like a longer than normal time.  Daisy tried to run into the woods, but I made my point.... HURRY.  She did her business, we got back to the dingy, made the trip to the boat, and all was okay.

The industrial portion of Mobile Bay (northern area) was pretty entertaining after being on the (sometimes boring) river systems.  We were glad to see a change.   The 'Dolly Parton" bridge (use your imagination) was the gateway to the new vistas.  There were many manufacturing facilities.  Of particular interest was the manufacturing facility of the Naval LCS  (Littoral Combat Ship).  It was pretty awesome.

Here is a link for more information

Typical of these type of government projects, the cost over runs and design errors in addition to incorrect specifications seems beyond my understanding.  Read this for further information (it may upset you,.... scroll down to cost overruns).

As we progress into Mobile Bay proper and, we saw Dolphins!!!!
This was on Vicki's dream list.  To see dolphins.  We had them at the very nose of the boat.  They were simply diving ahead of us, then diving down and reappearing under water, and then surfacing right at the very nose, then leaping forward again.  This lasted perhaps 5 minutes.  Now.  Vicki was told to sign to encourage the dolphins to stay, and keep  them swimming with us.  I do not think I have ever heard Vicki sing outdoors before,...but....  She was singing "You are so beautiful"  HHmmmmm   New lyrics, new tempo, new everything.  The dolphins promptly exited!

Dog River Marina is where we had an inspection performed on our vessel.  We had a haul-out.  I was anxious to see the bottom, Was there any damage from the Mississippi River?  How much bottom paint was scrapped off?   How were the zincs? Were the intakes damaged?  What was the condition of the propeller and rudder?
Well.......  All looked great, I was very happy.  Then I noticed the propeller had some dings (nothing new on a Hill boat).  I then asked the mechanic to inspect the Cutlass Bearing, as I had a minor vibration.  It was determined that it needed replacing, and if you replace the  cutlass bearing the propeller should also be as reasonably perfect as possible.  So we are having both repaired at Dog River.


  1. HA !!! Chrissy went all goofy like a little girl when the dolphins found us for the first time, I have to say, I probly wasn't much better :) Enjoy the "dream" Capt. Dean

  2. Wow from alligators to dolphins, the adventure continues.
