Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ft Myers and Legacy Harbour Marina (one month)

Merry Christmas
From Ft Myers
Daisy, Mark and Vicki

We traveled up the Caloosahatchee River to Ft Myers and Legacy Harbour Marina.  This is still on the ICW.
Vicki doing her Street gig.
View of Legacy Harbour Marina Ft Myers
When we arrived at Legacy Harbour, I was put in a slip next to larger vessels than Blue Willow.  I instantly thought we were on 'Wall Street' as the boats were significantly larger.  On our port side we have Donnie, a super guy who cannot provide enough information to us to have a better time at Legacy and beyond (Bahamas).  The other side we have a 59ft Marquis that is being worked on (read a lot of dust).  The other semi permanent folks are awesome, and welcomed us in many ways, including cocktails.   One fellow dock mate is 'Marv' of Dee Light, who puts out an everyday email on buoy conditions around the area.  Nice guy.  Other boats range from 46' Carvers and several 65'ers.  A personal favorite boat of mine is a Fleming, and I have to walk past two of them each day.  They are so cool.  Legacy is located near 'old' Ft Myers.  We can walk downtown easily, and there are nice restaurants and stores.  There is also a nice riverside park system to walk Daisy.

Shortly after we arrived, brother Robin loaned us his Lexus SUV for our use while at Legacy (4 weeks total).  WOW.... How nice.  He also brought along a coconut, Christmas lights, and a couple of plants to decorate our boat.  How cool is that?!!! (Thanks Robin).  Other than  driving defensively  with white knuckles to avoid messing up Robins SUV, it was great to have a car to see some sights.

Anything wrong here?
Just Us... Great View

Time for a Beer and Grouper sandwich 

Ft Myers Beach (FMB)
We visited FMB five times.  What a great time, place, and talk about RnR.  We typically would be there around 11AM or so and stay until 4PM.  Vicki and I went by ourselves once, we then asked Dave and Michele from Just Us to join us for four times, and we than had our grandson with us one time.  Simply stated, if you are a beach kinda person you know what it was like to see the sights, (all of them).  Having a cold beer on beach, while in the sun on a light breeze kinda day is truly relaxing.  Have another beer and things simply meld together, and it is all good.  we typical went for a sandwich, and I fell in love with Blackened Grouper.

Ferris Profs, Speirs, Carney, and Hill
Is that Batman trying to fly on the left?

Beach Crew, with Ferris friends
While at FMB one day Bob Speirs and Jeff Carney (former colleagues from Ferris State University) made arrangements to join us.  What a great time.  When I retired, I wondered who would be the first person to make contact while on the loop or shortly thereafter.  Now I know, and I was happy to see them, they are truly great guys, and well respected Professors of their disciplines.

Jr. and GrandPa on 'Jet Ski'

When my grandson visited us we had a great time relaxing.  But the hit of that day was I rented a 'Jet Ski' for an hour.  My grandson was excited, and he should have been.  We rented a decently powered two seater Yamaha.  What fun for him and me.  We went all over the place doing what a 13 year old would do with  a watercraft.  The Yamaha went 80 MPH.  I was surprised that they would rent one that went that fast.  Great watercraft, smooth, fast, quiet.  They have changed so much over the years.
Check out the
Ringling and Barnum
one of hundreds
This is one miniature display
Total pieces exceeded 44,000
Ringling Brothers  MuseumWe made a day trip to the Ringling Brothers Museum in Sarasota.  First, if you have the time, take the time and effort to see this jewel of a museum.  The museum is divided into several areas on the museum grounds.  First stop for us was the 44,000 piece miniature circus.  This creation was so very impressive.  It is difficult to explain but it contains all facets of a circus.  From arriving at a town with train cars, to every detail to make the show go.  Awesome detail, color, and presentation.  Next was an older part of the first circus museum. This area housed many larger artifacts, like John Ringlings personal train car, human cannon vehicle, carving area, and several circus wagons. Next on the waters, was "Ca' d'Zan"  meaning 'House of John' in the dialect of Venice.   This place was impressive, in its opulence. Another area is John Ringlings multi million dollar art collection.  Vicki likes fine art and she was wowed at this exhibit.  On the grounds there are many sculpture gardens.  The place was a great  visit. 

Mark Rides a Horse Bareback
WITH sandals on.
Vicki rides bareback...Kinda
Vicki Looking Great 
Greeting Room Ceiling

Main Entertainment room
Transom Ceiling 
First time I have seen a
stained glass transom ceiling

Dining room ceiling detail.
This is only a small portion  
Some stuff I do not like
But Vicki does
Ca' d'Zan
The House of John (Ringling)
Jr with Charlie.  Both slept well that night.

L-R  Blue Willow, Ocean Breeze, Just Us

Visiting Friends
We were able to visit a couple of Looper friends.  Ocean Breeze, Average Looper, and Navigator.
We were near the end of FMB on a boat so we kinda found Navigator, and Average Looper.  We simply said hi and talked for a few moments.  We took Dave and Michele (Just US) and our grandson to see Todd and Paula from Ocean Breeze.  We had a great time in the pool with their dog Charlie

It was so nice to travel easily to a store with the use of a car.  From Engine Oil for oil changes to food to repair items, it was so nice (Thanks again Robin).

Grandson Travels
There will be a separate blog post on my Grandsons visit.

At Legacy Harbour, there was a Thanksgiving Dinner Potluck, with Legacy providing a ham.  What a great time, and great food too.  Near the end there was 'entertainment'.  All the women in attendance were invited to stand in front of the group and sing "Sister Sister"  Click for Video

Ft Myers has a couple of cool restaurants Al Capones, and
Ford Garage, and they serve great tasting food.  Here are some pics to describe the place:

Hoist above the bar. Nice.
Tool Chest Carts for Tap Bar.

Door Handle to Mens Restroom
Mens Sinks.  You need to turn a control valve
to get water from Gas pump handle.

'Napkin' is a shop towel.
with Hose clamp.
Thanks for peeking in on our blog.  Those of you at work, are you supposed to be reading blogs?

Thanksgiving in Naples with Robin and Ken

"Its a hard knock life"

We arrived in Ft Myers a couple of days before Thanksgiving.  Robin my younger brother invited Vicki, Daisy and me to have Thanksgiving in Naples with my older brother Ken coming over.  What a great time.  Robin, drove to Ft Myers and picked us up, and, cooked a traditional dinner, that was awesome.  We had Robins famous Key Lime Pie too.... yum.  It was nice to watch some football and catchup on things with them.  Robin has a dog named Lucy, and I took both Daisy and Lucy for a walk...better said Lucy took Daisy and me for a walk.  It was very relaxing to just sit around.  Thanks Robin.
Robin with Lucy and Daisy

Dunedin to Ft Meyers

Nice Sunset
We had such a great time in Dunedin, but alas, it was time to move on.

Don Ce Sar  (or CeSar)

Our first anchorage was called Don Ce Sar.  The name was derived from a huge hotel/entertainment complex that was built in the mid 1920's.  Click for link to Don Ce Sar It is still there and it was impressive.  The anchorage was down three narrow channels, with shallow sides, and a couple of shoaling areas, throw in crab pots,  an island, and a bridge with several gaps to navigate.... it was no problem, only one small rub on the keel ;~).  We motored very slowly, but we ended up in a cool anchorage.  The winds were steady 15 MPH, but the anchor held fine.

A favorite, Pelicans resting in the trees.
One would think that the branches
couldnot hold this much weight.
There were many many more
Pelicans all around the back.
The island housed a rookery(?) for the several hundred pelicans in the area.  They sit in the trees just like a chick-a-dee would.  They were fun to watch, just like when they are diving into the water to get their meal.  I took Daisy for a long walk on the huge beaches of St Petersburg, she was a running fool!!

On our way to Sarasota, we heard of a 32FT Catamaran that was in distress.  We joined about 5 other boats in helping this guy and his two mates to right his boat.  We did nothing, as we could not do anything that was already tried.  We exited after being told it was okay to depart.  after we departed, all the fire/rescue/marine authorities were storming to them.  The vessel that first responded, was detained for aver two hours to do paperwork (they seemed pissed on the radio).

The second night we stayed  on a mooring ball  at Marina Jacks in Sarasota.  We were on ball #1. That was great as it was easy to take Daisy to shore.  Later, Vicki, Daisy and I went to shore for a walk in the park and the marina areas.  What a great place.  We were a bit tired, so we went for a beer at a Tiki Bar.  Beer was cold, so we had another and a burger....  Life sure is good at times, and this was one of those times !

The next evening was went to Englewood Anchorage.  We later learned that there are three of them.  Poor planning on our part, as we could not get Daisy to shore easily.  But sometimes things work out. As we (Vicki, Daisy, and me) were exploring the area via dingy, to find a place for Daisy to do her business, Vicki wanted some Ice Cream.  We stopped at a small shack that looked like a ice cream stand, but alas, it was a boat rental office.  We finally asked them where to take daisy, when they offered their boat launch site, at night, and after signing wavier papers (seriously!).

While at Englewood, we witnessed first hand a serious problem in Florida with derelict boats. There were four at this single anchorage.  The basic premise, is that homeless, and unemployed or minimally employed people purchase  a (typically) old beat-up sail boat and use it as their domicile.  They place it anywhere.  They dispose their wastes near the vessel, among other less pleasing  efforts.  This issue is not new but it is serious.  The Florida water authorities are gathering information as to how to solve the issue.  I have taken two surveys on the issue (as a transient).  I support the concept cleaning up this issue for all water lovers.  We also saw this issue in Alabama.  Two  inebriated guys were making their way to their derelict boat, and barely made it into their boat.  I was told by locals that they have had drownings of these folks. Sad.

Daisy Chasing Coconuts
Good Girl!

She loved this activity

We went over to a small island
This cut was shallow, but later
filled in via the rising tide.

Having fun at Pelican Bay

The final evening we anchored at Pelican Bay State Park.  We were told that this was a great place, and it was nice.  Dogs are not allowed on designated beaches in the state parks.  We still had three to choose from.  All three were shell sand, and it was fun to walk the beaches, Daisy was a wild woman.  She had a funny time retrieving coconuts from the water.  She could not get her teeth to 'grab' the coconut and chased it around a few times, then she got the technique.  We waded from an island to a peninsula, had that portion all to our selves.

SHARK!!!!  (baby)

We witnessed a small shark being caught. It sure fought.  The people fishing were really excited.

Thanks for peeking in on our blog...... sorry we have been slacking.