Sunday, May 27, 2012

What Goes Up Must Come Down

      Well the day  came, May 23rd 2012.  The Launching of the MY Blue Willow, owned by Mark and Vicki Hill.
     The launch took place at the Anchor In in Cheboygan, Michigan.  I have not been around these type of launchings, to really understand them, but what a thrill.  I was excited for my launch, but to see the process, by some talented workers, was even better.  The photo above, was the lifting of the vessel from its winter blocks and storage area.  the trailer is hydraulically operated for lifting.
     There was a transfer from the trailer to the boat lift crane, then the crane lowered BW into the water.

Here she is as she just touches the waters of Cheboygan River.

     And there she sits, waiting to visit various ports in northern Michigan, in 2012. It is nice to see your home and boat in the same picture. (that is a joke).
There we are, Daisy, Vicki, and me.  Working but wanting to go play.

Monday, May 7, 2012

It is Ours!!
We made the purchase of the Blue Willow.  Now the cleaning fixing, tweaking, and the learning of all the systems.
Vicki and I have put in 22 hours cleaning and sorting things aboard the BW.
We have taken 14 bags to Goodwill, and sent 10 bags to the dumpster.  We took the cushions, and curtains to the cleaners.  At this point almost all things have been removed from the BW. 
All but one window was stuck shut.  I cleaned all the window tracks and weep holes, I am happy as hell that all windows are fully operational, as GB's are known for major window problems.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Getting Closer

Well...... We have met with the owner of the Blue Willow, and have agreed to purchase her. We plan to acquire her by April! Wow, this thing is getting real. We are getting excited.